24 July 2021

Press statement by MCA Spokesperson Chan Quin Er

Let’s work together to quell the pandemic & revitalise the economy;
Lim Guan Eng must cease combative tactics

The National Recovery Council (NRC) has extended an invite to leaders of opposition parties, experts and representatives of various industries to participate. Based on the principles of collaboration, inclusivity and whole-of-nation, the NRC aims to unite both ruling and opposition parties, and all citizens and residents in the entire country to quell the pandemic and revitalise the economy, so that people may return to life before as once knew it, as early as possible. It is high time that DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng casts aside his combative spirit, arrogance and attempts at politicising anything and everything. Instead, he should work closely with representatives of political parties and experts in the various fields in the NRC to brainstorm ideas for the well-being of the nation and people.

Guan Eng had accused Star Media group adviser Dato’ Seri Wong Chun Wai as “a mouthpiece of MCA” and opposed the latter’s participation in the NRC. His objections highlight his inability to view the NRC from an apolitical, national and professional perspective. Unfortunately, on the contrary, Guan Eng continues to entangle political party positions and ideological issues. He treats everything from a politicised perspective and then blindly adopts an antagonistic posture.  

The NRC will not only invite representatives from opposition parties, but will also recruit professionals and experts in diverse fields, as we all comprehend that in the face of severe challenges wrought by the raging outbreak and economic downturn, it is time for us to set aide our party positions and politics. Halt all fights which yield no benefits. Rather, let us work together and put forward recommendations for the country and rakyat. Observing the verbal spews from Guan Eng, it is apparent that he is unable to let go of his political jabbing mentality.

As a very senior media person, Dato’ Seri Wong Chun Wai is endowed with knowledge, ability and experience. With the invitation to participate in the NRC, Chun Wai will definitely be able to contribute as much as he can along with the other members.

As the pandemic and the economic situation in Malaysia continues to deteriorate, we believe that the rakyat aspire for political leaders to perform more and speak less. Focus on resolving problems and assist the rakyat. There must be a cessation to all unnecessary political confrontations and verbal disputes.

Chan Quin Er
MCA Spokesperson

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