23 February 2017

Press Release

More library books for schools

The MCA Luyang state Assemblyman Hiew King Cheu recently had dispatched some 2,000 copies of library books to schools in Luyang and Kota Kinabalu.

The schools which benefited from the books donated by Hiew were SK(C) Anglo Chinese, SK Sri Gaya, Sekolah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu and SM Shan Tao. Hiew commented that these books were carefully selected for students and their parents to read. He observed that with the wide use of internet services, fewer and fewer people are turning to reading books as a habit. In order to keep up with book reading, it is necessary to encourage students and their parents to read more books.

The library of many schools keep a good stock of good books suitable for studies and reading pleasure, thereby helping readers to acquire more knowledge from reading more books. Some schools have also implemented using the first half hour for reading before class starts.

Hiew said he will continue to assist the schools in Kota Kinabalu to obtain more good reading books. If there is any specific need of books, the school may always contact him or his office to arrange for the books.

Hiew King Cheu

MCA Luyang state Assemblyman

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